Wealth is the product of mans capacity to think.
Ayn Rand

Our focus is to re-organize affairs for the purpose of expanding wealth for individuals and companies.

As a team of experts, we work to provide the perfect solution and ensure they are exclusive to our client’s specifications. 1038 Consulting was created to engage with the thinkers – those who have been unsatisfied with the traditional and want to venture into strategies that are innovative and distinctly tailored to each individual.

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Financial Advisory: We plan to effectively monetize after tax dollars.

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Strategic Emigration: We can explore the opportunity to reasonably emigrate to a new country.

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Bespoke Solutions: We can help manage domestic challenges and construct an exclusive solution to organize wealth.

Our Story

1038 Consulting has been providing unique investment strategies vetted through research with experts advising for over thirty-five years in this field. We are the financial strategists who work with some of the most acclaimed accountants and lawyers across Canada. Together, we invest our time and apply our mastery to craft the best blueprint for our clients.

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